Enkele recente en interessante onderzoeksresultaten:
The Causal Effects of Father Absence
The literature on father absence is frequently criticized for its use of cross-sectional data and methods that fail to take account of possible omitted variable bias and reverse causality. We review studies that have responded to this critique by employing a variety of innovative research designs to identify the causal effect of father absence, including studies
using lagged dependent variable models, growth curve models, individual fixed effects models, sibling fixed effects models, natural experiments, and propensity score matching models. Our assessment is that studies using more rigorous designs continue to find negative effects of father absence on offspring well-being, although the magnitude of these effects is smaller than what is found using traditional cross-sectional designs. The evidence is strongest and most consistent for outcomes such as high school graduation, children’s social-emotional adjustment, and adult mental health.
Sara McLanahan, Laura Tach and Daniel Schneider (2013)
Yes, Father Absence Causes the Problems It’s Associated With
Growing up without a father — whether that’s due to divorce, a nonmarital birth, or a father’s death — is associated with a host of negative effects. But given that children from low-income families, for instance, are more likely to live apart from their father in the first place, it can be hard to tell to what extent an absent father causes the problems that father absence is associated with, and to what extent other factors related to both family structure and child outcomes (like household income) are to blame.Anna Sutherland (2014)
Parent-Child Reunification After Alienation
Children and parents who have undergone forced separation from each other in the absence of abuse, including cases of parental alienation, are highly subject to post-traumatic stress, and reunification efforts in these cases should proceed carefully and with sensitivity.
Edward Kruk, Ph.D. (2013)
The Impact of Parental Alienation on Parents
The key to engaging alienated parents is to validate their parental identity, and combine advocacy efforts with counseling focused on enhancing their role as active and responsible parents.
Edward Kruk, Ph.D. (2013)
The Impact of Parental Alienation on Children
Parental alienation involves the “programming” of a child by one parent to denigrate the other (targeted) parent, in an effort to undermine and interfere with the child’s relationship with the targeted parent, and is often a sign of a parent’s inability to separate from the couple conflict and focus on the needs of the child.
Edward Kruk, Ph.D. (2013)
Equal Parenting and the Quality of Parent-Child Attachments
Equal parental responsibility provides a context and climate for the continuation or development of high quality parent-child relationships, allowing both parents to remain authoritative, responsible, involved, attached, emotionally available, supportive, and focused on children’s day-to-day lives.
Edward Kruk, Ph.D. (2013)
Father Absence, Father Deficit, Father Hunger
Whereas parents in general are not supported as parents by our social institutions, divorced fathers in particular are devalued, disparaged, and forcefully disengaged from their children’s lives. Researchers have found that for children, the results are nothing short of disastrous, along a number of dimensions.
Edward Kruk, Ph.D. (2012)
Fathers’ involvement in the lives of their children in Australia: Separated parents’ preferences
The progressive increase in the number of mothers in the labour force over the last few decades represents one of the greatest changes to have occurred in family life — not only in terms of the absolute size of the change, but also in terms of its effect on the way families function. In essence, the “male-breadwinner female-homemaker” model that was ubiquitous in the post-war boom period has given way to a shared (paternal and maternal) breadwinning role. Although various adjustments in the home, workplace and community to facilitate this new way of life have taken time to emerge, there is now evidence that fathers in Australia are spending more time caring for their children today than they were in the early 1990s. An increase in paternal
involvement in the everyday lives of children—including time spent caring for the children — has been observed in other Western countries as well.
Bron: Growing Up in Australia, Hoofdstuk 9 van de publicatie The Longitudinal Study of Australian Children, Annual statistical report 2013
Lixia Qu and Ruth Weston, Australian Institute of Family Studies (AIFS) (2014)
Inleiding op het themanummer ‘Vaderschap, rol van vaders in opvoeding van kinderen en diversiteit in vaderschap’
Uit onderzoek is herhaaldelijk gebleken dat vaders een groter deel van hun tijd besteden aan spel met hun kinderen dan moeders. Ook geven kinderen vaak de voorkeur aan spelen met hun vader omdat het minder gecontroleerd is, veel meer stimulatie biedt en vaak samengaat met veel lachen en plezier. Het spel tussen vaders en kinderen wordt vooral gekenmerkt door het fysieke, spannende en onvoorspelbare karakter (Paquette, 2004) en deze speelse omgang met het kind geeft extra dynamiek en energie. Hierdoor heeft de tijd die vaders met hun kinderen doorbrengen veel impact.
Louis Tavecchio, Henny Bos (2011)
Father Factor in Children’s Health Outline
Nederland verkeert in een opvoedcrisis
Susan Bögels, Universiteit van Amsterdam – Academisch Behandelcentrum voor Ouder en Kind (2008)
The Importance of Fathers in the Healthy Devolopment of Children
Jeffrey Rosenberg and W. Bradford Wilcox (2006)
Ouderschap en angst – Toename van psychopathologie bij kinderen
Samenvatting van de oratie van Susan Bögels als hoogleraar Orthopedagogie op 1 december 2006
Susan Bögels (2006)
The Importance of Fathers in the Healthy Development of Children
Office on Child Abuse and Neglect, U.S. Children’s Bureau Rosenberg, Jeffrey, Wilcox, W. Bradford (2006)
Mother and Father Speech Style as a Predictor of Insightfulness and Attachment
Kyla E. Wargel, University of Notre Dame
Quality of infants’ attachments to professional caregivers: Relation to infant-parent attachment and day-care characteristics
Bron: Child Development,61 , 832-837.
Goossens, F. A., & van IJzendoorn, M. H. (1990)
Op de volgende websites zijn interessante onderzoeken met betrekking tot vaderschap te vinden:
- UvA-Virenze – Academisch Behandelcentrum voor Ouder en Kind
- www.fatherhood.org, National Fatherhood Initiative, Verenigde Staten
- www.fira.ca, Father Involvement Research Alliance